kenaflow.exe --disableworkflow [<time-span>] [--workflow <path>]
Sometimes it is required to disable a workflow. One way to achieve this is to execute kenaflow with program switch --disableworkflow
This command must be run from within the workflow folder OR with the additional option --workflow <path>
, where <path>
is eigther the fully qualified OR relative path of the workflow folder itself or to the file _wfconfig.ps1
If you do not specify a <time-span>
the workflow is disabled forever.
If you specify a <time-span>
the workflow if disabled for the specified amount of time starting from NOW.
In the first case (no <time-span>
) an empty (zero byte) file names .disabled
is created in the workflow folder. In the second case the same file is created but with the end-of-disable date and time as string as file content. Format: yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
To re-enable the workflow you can use program switch --enableworkflow