Section "Mail"
We have a typo in the "SMTP" related config keys: We have named them "smtp". We are sorry about that, but currently we cannot change this. Our plan is to fix thix during an update. We inform you here and in the change log
For anonymous SMTP server access please set and `true` and `smtpusername` to
For authentication to SMTP server using the credentials of the service account of kenaflow AND during debug using the credentials of the workflow developer please set and `true` and `smtpusername` to
<entry key="useSharePointForSend" type="System.Boolean" default="false" comment="if you client cannot send using SMTP than try this."></entry>
If your kenaflow server machine is not able to send mails directly by using SMTP you can leverage SharePoint to send mails.
This does not allow you to send attachments!
This only works for SharePoint related workflows!
<entry key="useLegacySmtpSender" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>
Starting with kenaflow v4.0.26 you can use a SMTP sender based on the open source libraries MailKit and MimeKit. The old / legacy sender is based on classes from namespace System.Net.Mail
For at least some months the default mail sender is still the legacy one. Therefore the default value is true
. Maybe we change this later. Maybe we only support only the new sender in a future major release of kenaflow.
<entry key="smtpserver" type="System.String"></entry>
The host name or IP of your SMTP server.
<entry key="smtpserverport" type="System.Int32" default="587"></entry>
The SMTP servers port.
<entry key="smtpusername" type="System.String"></entry>
For SMTP authentication you can specify the username here.
<entry key="smtppassword" type="System.String"></entry>
For SMTP authentication you can specify the password here.
<entry key="smtpUseSsl" type="System.Boolean" default="true" comment="Only with *LEGACY* SMTP Sender!"></entry>
Specifies whether the SMTP server is to be addressed using SSL. This is the default.
This setting belongs to the old SMTP sender. See parameter useLegacySmtpSender
<entry key="smtpUseDefaultCredentials" type="System.Boolean" default="true" comment="used only if *smtpusername* is empty! Only with *LEGACY* SMTP Sender!"></entry>
Use this setting to authenticate to SMTP server using the current Windows credentials.
During debug the credentials of the workflow developer are used.
During automatic run the credentials of the workflow engines service account is used.
This setting belongs to the old SMTP sender. See parameter useLegacySmtpSender
<entry key="smtpAcceptAllSslCertificates" type="System.Boolean" default="false" comment="if TRUE the *new* SMTP sender (MailKit) accepts all SSL certificates"></entry>
If the new smpt sender is active (useLegacySmtpSender
is false
) you can ask the new MailKit based SMTP client to accept all SMTP server SSL certificates.
<entry key="smtpSecurity" type="System.Int32" default="2" comment="0=none, 1=AUTO, 2=STARTTLS, 3=SSL / Only with *NEW* SMTP Sender!"></entry>
If using the new eMail sending mechanism you can specify the type of security used to connect to the SMTP server.
for no security1
for an automatic decision2
for SSL
This setting belongs to the new SMTP sender. See parameter useLegacySmtpSender
<entry key="smtpAuthenticationMethod" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=username+passwort (if specified) or default credentials (if set to TRUE) or no authentication (if no username/password is set and smtpUseDefaultCredentials is false), 1=M365 OAuth"></entry>
If you want to send mails using Exchange Online you can set this setting to 1
. In this case you must specify smtpUsername
as a pipe (|) seprated combination of Entry App Registration ID and Tenant ID.
E.g. <entry key="smtpusername" type="System.Int32" default="0">6387c3d7-7f6d-4dec-8188-2fc05e259aaf|e851328c-f4ac-45dd-b2e6-970b8b79adae</entry
<entry key="mailSender" type="System.String"></entry>
This email address is used as the senders address.
<entry key="mailReplyto" type="System.String"></entry>
This email address is used as reply-to address.
<entry key="subjectPrefix" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
kenaflow can add an custom prefix to every send mails subject.
<entry key="subjectSuffix" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
kenaflow can add an custom suffix to every send mails subject.
<entry key="subjectPrefixOverwrite" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=no workflow overwrite allowed, 1=concat subjects (global setting first, workflow setting second), 2=only use workflow setting if specified"></entry>
Starting with kenaflow v4.0.30 you can allow the workflow maintainer to specify a mail subject prefix for every email send by the workflow.
With this setting you can control this behavious:
: prevent overwriting the email subject prefix by workflow maintainers.1
: add workflow defined emails subject prefix behind the globally defined subject prefix (settingsubjectPrefix
above). Both become part of the actual subject prefix.2
: replace the globally defined subject prefix (settingsubjectPrefix
above) by the workflow setting (MailSubjectPrefix
, see General Workflow Settings)
<entry key="subjectSuffixOverwrite" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=no workflow overwrite allowed, 1=concat subjects (workflow setting first, global setting second), 2=only use workflow setting if specified"></entry>
Starting with kenaflow v4.0.30 you can allow the workflow maintainer to specify a mail subject suffix for every email send by the workflow.
With this setting you can control this behavious:
: prevent overwriting the email subject suffix by workflow maintainers.1
: add workflow defined emails subject suffix before the globally defined subject suffix (settingsubjectSuffix
above). Both become part of the actual subject suffix.2
: replace the globally defined subject suffix (settingsubjectSuffix
above) by the workflow setting (MailSubjectSuffix
, see General Workflow Settings)
Full Section Default
<section name="mail">
<entry key="useSharePointForSend" type="System.Boolean" default="false" comment="if you client cannot send using SMTP than try this."></entry>
<entry key="useLegacySmtpSender" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>
<entry key="smtpserver" type="System.String" default="" takefrom="smptserver"></entry>
<entry key="smtpserverport" type="System.Int32" default="587" takefrom="smptserverport"></entry>
<entry key="smtpusername" type="System.String" default="" takefrom="smptusername"></entry>
<entry key="smtppassword" type="System.String" default="" takefrom="smptpassword"></entry>
<entry key="smtpUseSsl" type="System.Boolean" default="true" takefrom="smptUseSsl" comment="Only with *LEGACY* SMTP Sender!"></entry>
<entry key="smtpUseDefaultCredentials" type="System.Boolean" default="true" takefrom="smptUseDefaultCredentials" comment="used only if *smptusername* is empty! Uses SSPI (Windows Integrated Auth)"></entry>
<entry key="smtpAcceptAllSslCertificates" type="System.Boolean" default="false" comment="if TRUE the *new* SMTP sender (MailKit) accepts all SSL certificates"></entry>
<entry key="smtpSecurity" type="System.Int32" default="2" comment="0=none, 1=AUTO, 2=STARTTLS, 3=SSL / Only with *NEW* SMTP Sender!"></entry>
<entry key="smtpAuthenticationMethod" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=username+passwort (if specified) or default credentials (if set to TRUE) or no authentication (if no username/password is set and smtpUseDefaultCredentials is false), 1=M365 OAuth"></entry>
<entry key="mailSender" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
<entry key="mailReplyto" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
<entry key="subjectPrefix" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
<entry key="subjectSuffix" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
<entry key="subjectPrefixOverwrite" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=no workflow overwrite allowed, 1=concat subjects (global setting first, workflow setting second), 2=only use workflow setting if specified"></entry>
<entry key="subjectSuffixOverwrite" type="System.Int32" default="0" comment="0=no workflow overwrite allowed, 1=concat subjects (global setting first, workflow setting second), 2=only use workflow setting if specified"></entry>