Section "MailDev"

The settings in this section affect all workflows that do not have their own setting for the following values in the workflow configuration file _wfconfig.ps1.


    <entry key="writeMailsToDiskDuringDebugDefaultSetting" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>

Specifies that in the debug mode of workflow scripts the mails are not sent but written to text files.

This setting is used as default for each workflow that has no own setting for this property.


    <entry key="alwaysWriteMailsToDiskInsteadSending" type="System.Boolean" default="false"></entry>

Specifies that emails are ALWAYS written to text files instead of sending them.

This setting is used as default for each workflow that has no own setting for this property.


    <entry key="mailsOnDisk" type="System.String" default=".\mails"></entry>

If mails are written to disk instead of sending them using SMTP they ware stored in this location.

The path is relative to the data directory of the kenaflow instance. You can also specify an absolute path to a custom location. The kenaflow service account need to have write permissions on the path.

Full Section Default

<section name="maildev">
  <entry key="writeMailsToDiskDuringDebugDefaultSetting" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>
  <entry key="alwaysWriteMailsToDiskInsteadSending" type="System.Boolean" default="false"></entry>
  <entry key="mailsOnDisk" type="System.String" default=".\mails"></entry>