
kenaflow Instance

kenaflow can be installed on a computer as often as you like (except in the FREE edition).

Theoretically, different versions of kenaflow can be used without these different versions coming into conflict with each other.

Each instance has its own global configuration file and its own workflow root directory.

Each instance has a unique ID that is stored in the global configuration file.

Each instance is assigned a data directory. The default path is: %ProgramData%\kenaflow\instance_<instance-id>

Program Mode

kenaflow.exe is started multiple times with different program switches. Thats how the special job of each process is specified. These "jobs" we call "program mode". E.g. if kenaflow is started with kenaflow.exe --run we call the process "main mode". Please read this article: The Details.

Execution Lane

Workflows are executed in parallel. There is a configurable number of parallel workflows. If the maximum number of processes is reached the next workflow in the queue must wait. We call this "execution lanes". The details are here.

Execution Slot

Execution lanes can be grouped. Read this: Execution Slots.

Workflow Priority

One workflow can be "more business critical" than another. It's necessary that it runs more often. You can configure it's priority therefore.

TBE = Time Between Execution

It's the amount of time in seconds that must elapse between two starts of one workflow. If TBE is 0 it will be queues to "run again ASAP". If TBE is < 0 it will never run by time.

PowerShell ISE

"PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment" A Software that is part of Windows OS, both the client operating system and the Windows Server. It may need to be activated as an optional feature in Windows.

For older versions of Windows there are updates via Windows Update or as download of the "Windows Management Framework".

kenaflow requires PowerShell 5.

Workflow Folder (Workflow Directory)

The workflow directory contains all the files required to execute a workflow. Normally the workflow configuration file _wfconfig.ps1. Possibly, other script files or other files that you create.

Workflow Root Folder (Workflow Root Directory)

The workflow root directory contains all workflow directories, but no workflows or workflow configuration file.

Workflow Configuration File

This is the file _wfconfig.ps1, which describes a workflow.

Global Configuration File

This file is unique for each kenaflow instance and is stored in the program directory of the kenaflow instance. This file is called kenaflow.conf

Data Folder (Data Directory)

The data directory of each kenaflow instance stores data and information relevant to the kenaflow instance.

Under the data directory are:

  • Lock directory
  • Skip directory
  • Log directory
  • Queue directory
  • Mails directory

Each of these sub folders can be configured individually using a global configuration file.

For example, it makes sense to set the queue directory for different instances of kenaflow to an identical directory (using a global configuration file). Furthermore, in this scenario a separate kenaflow instance is configured solely for the acquisition of remote events. All other instances on the computer receive remote events via the shared queue directory.

Queue Folder (Queue Directory)

The remote events are stored in this directory for later processing.

Lock Folder (Lock Directory)

In this directory, kenaflow locks workflow processing by other instances using 0 byte files.

The processing of list elements by other instances is also prevented, so that kenaflow workflows do not overwrite each other's values in list elements.

Mails Folder (Mails Directory)

Here e-mails are saved as text files if the corresponding function is active, i.e. if kenaflow is instructed by the configuration globally or on workflow level (_wfconfig.ps1) not to send e-mails via SMTP, but to save them.

Log Folder (Log Directory)

Log files are stored here.

Skip Folder (Skip Directory)

Currently not used.

Remote Event

If elements are changed or created in SharePoint lists, kenaflow can be informed about it. SharePoint provides an interface for applications to register a web endpoint for corresponding information messages.

After registration, SharePoint contacts this web endpoint and reports which item was created or changed in which list.

This mechanism works with all three supported SharePoint versions: 2013, 2016, 2019 and Online.

It is also possible to send custom data to kenaflow workflows.

Please read article Remote Event for details.


It is pronounced as: "Command-let". These are the PowerShell commands, a combination of a verb and a noun like Get-Command.


Is a script language from Microsoft, which has been available since about 2005 and is becoming increasingly important for the administration of Windows systems and Microsoft products.

PowerShell is based on the Microsoft.NET framework and can process all .NET libraries in addition to its own libraries. You can create your own PowerShell extensions. We have done this excessively and are thrilled about the possibility!

netsh.exe a command line program from Windows for the control of some network functions on the operating system.

kenaflow.exe the executable file of kenaflow.

kenaflow.runtime.dll a .NET assembly required to load kenaflow outside of the kenaflow runtime. The assembly is also used to load the SharePoint PnP PowerShell module, whose installation on a kenaflow computer is not supported due to impending interference with kenaflow.