Performance Counter
kenaflow offers some basic performance counters to enable third-party monitoring systems to check kenaflow activity.
The use of performance counters is disabled by default but can be enabled in the global configuration, section "Monitoring".
If enabled...
Each version of kenaflow creates its own set of performance counters. The performance counter group name starts with "kenaflow" followed by the product version, such as "4.0.0".
Performance counter groups of kenaflow versions that are not longer used are not removed automatically. You need to run kenaflow from command line with switch --removeperformancecounter <version-to-remove>
Sample: kenaflow.exe --removeperformancecounter "4.0.0"
Web Hooks
kenaflow is able to inform third-party monitoring systems about its work.
Therefore it is able to call two types of web hooks.
(to be continued.)
Network Connectivity Check
kenaflow maybe need to check connectivity in order to prevent a flood of error messages if it is not "online", not connected to the intranet or internet or not able to contect SharePoint (on-premises or Online).
Therefore kenaflow is able to monitor other network related devices to check its connectivity.
In setting "PingICMP" in global configuration section "Monitoring" you can specify zero, one or more devices that have to be available over ICMP ping to infornm kenaflow about network connectivity.
One entry consists of this settings, separated by | (pipe character):
- IP address or host name
- time between two ICMP pings (in milliseconds)
- maximum latency (in milliseconds)
- mark this entry (device) as "failed" (= not reachable / disconnected) after this number of failures
- mark this entry (device) as "normal" (= reachable / connected) after this number of successful ping AFTER it's in "failed" state
Sample for two entries:|5000|1|5||5000|1|5|5
Furthermore kenaflow is able to monitor other network related devices to check its connectivity.
In setting "PingWebHook" in global configuration section "Monitoring" you can specify zero, one or more devices that have to be available over HTTP web request to infornm kenaflow about network connectivity.
One entry consists of this settings, separated by | (pipe character):
- URL to web resource
- time between two HTTP request (in milliseconds)
- desired HTTP response status code
- mark this entry (device) as "failed" (= not reachable / disconnected) after this number of failures
- mark this entry (device) as "normal" (= reachable / connected) after this number of successful ping AFTER it's in "failed" state
Sample for two entries:|5000|200|5|5~|5000|200|5|5~
The response of the HTTP request is ignored. Only the HTTP response status code is monitored!