New Features in 3.0

There are some new features in kenaflow 4.0 and many improvements.

Here are the new features of kenaflow 3.0 and many improvements.

Multiple Webs and Lists

SharePoint workflows - list, state machine and site - can now be connected to multiple SharePoint webs. Therefore a new Connection property was introduced to _wfconfig.ps1.

For list and state machine workflows it is also possible to connect each web to a set of SharePoint lists. (This is of cause not available for site workflows.)


Connection = @(
    Web = ""; 
    List = @("List 1", "List 2");
    AlternateWebUrls = @();
    Web = ""; 
    List = "List 3";
    AlternateWebUrls = @();
    Web = ""; 
    List = @("List 4", "List 5");
    AlternateWebUrls = @();

The simple _wfconfig.ps1 settings Web and List from kenaflow 2.0 are compatible with this new feature. But you cannot use then together with Connection.

This, for example, would cause an validation error:

Web = ""; 
List = "List 1";

Connection = @(
    Web = ""; 
    List = @("List 1", "List 2");

Item Change Hash Fields

This belongs to SharePoint list and state machine workflows.

You can now specify "item change hash fields" in _wfconfig.ps1. This means, that after processing an item the engine calculates a hash based on the current item values and stores them in the kenaflow Field. Before the next processing it calculates the hash of the item and only executes the workflow if something in the specified fields was changed.

In case of state machine workflows this setting can be overwritten for each state. The default from the workflow "top level" configuration is used if nothing is specified. Each state can have its own hash value stored in the kenaflow field or all use the same hash value. This can be configured as workflow level in _wfconfig.ps1.

Please read the article State Machine workflow Configuration.

Returning Data from Workflows using Remote Events

Its now possible to trigger a workflow and get data back from the triggered workflow.

Please read this article: Trigger.

Its now possible to get data from all workflow types except email workflows using remote events of type "unstructured data".

Please read this article: Remote Event.

Its now possible to generate "rich links" to call workflows from the browser - e.g. when clicking a link in an email send by a workflow. You can transfer serializable data to the "linked" workflow. And it is possible to get data back from the workflow script, e.g. to give the use a processing result in the browser. Therefore the "linked" workflow can return HTML data.

Please read this article: Links.

Remote Event Debugging

There is a complete new way to debug - or: "simulate" - remote events.

Please read Debugging and Remote Event.