kenaflow Cmdlets
Basic Cmdlets
Returns the data that the last kenaflow cmdlet returned. If the last kenaflow cmdlet failed and
was set, this cmdlet returns the exception object. -
This can be used to start the SharePoint PnP PowerShell module with the correct SharePoint platform assemblies. This open source project delivers lots of helpful SharePoint related cmdlets. The module is embedded in kenaflow.
Can be used to write messages to the kenaflow log.
Can be used to serialize objects to the kenaflow log.
Available only for SharePoint workflows:
Debugging and Runtime
Used to get a hint whether the script is currently debugged.
Can be used to throw an exception from within a kenaflow cmdlet. The kenaflow cmdlet common parameter
is used and therefore the current setting ofSet-KFThrowErrorsPreference
. -
Used to initialize kenaflow for debugging.
Hard coded breakpoint.
Used to simulate an "unstructured data" remote event.
Used to simulate an "link" remote event.
Used to simulate an "custom data" remote event.
Used to simulate an "SharePoint" remote event.
Simulates pressing
to stop the current kenaflow process. -
Stops the current PowerShell pipeline. (For debugging and testing.)
Starts the SharePoint PnP PowerShell module for the specified SharePoint platform.
Returns the last result from the last executed kenaflow cmdlet. Also used to get the last occured exceptiong if throwing was disabled with
. -
returns the ativation status of a Quickfix.
Workflow Control
Get the amount of time before the current script will be terminated.
Set the amount of time before the current script will be terminated.
Set the amount of time before the current workflow will be terminated.
Stops the current workflow script, state or workflow.
Get the current error throwing preference of kenflow.
Set the error throwing preference of kenflow.
E-Mails, Templates, PDF
Sending e-mails.
Replaces placeholders in a given template string.
Sends an email.
Creates a PDF from HTML.
Replaces placeholders in Word and PowerPoint files.
Excel File Tools
Import Excel file
Create Excel file from data
Update Excel file
Can be used to get the current date and time or a date and time relative to a "reference DateTime" set by
. -
Set a reference DateTime. For debugging and testing.
Convert a UTC datetime value in a SharePoint list item field to the localized DateTime value as it was entered or is viewed by the user.
Convert a localized DateTime value to UTC. The command assumes that the
passed is in the time zone set on the SharePoint web regional settings. -
Clears the previous set reference DateTime. For debugging and testing.
Returns a Base64 encoded SHA512 hash.
Converts a DateTime from the SharePoint used string format.
Converts a given DateTime to the SharePoint used string format.
Converts a given JSON string to a PowerShell Hashtable.
Converts a given kenaflow query string to CAML.
Fixes a CAML string.
Used to get DateTimes based on a CRON pattern.
Get pretty and readable XML from a XML string.
Creates barcode images.
Reads barcodes form images.
Encrypts data.
Decrypts data.
Gets a simple string. For testing only.
Data Handling
Available for all workflow types:
Serializes data to the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.
Deserializes data from the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.
Removes data to the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.
Available only for SharePoint workflow types:
Serializes data to the workflow data list.
Deserializes data from the workflow data list.
Removes data from the workflow data list.
Available only for SharePoint list and state machine workflow types:
Serializes data in the context of the current list item to the workflow data list.
Deserializes data in the context of the current list item from the workflow data list.
Removes data in the context of the current list item from the workflow data list.
Get a lock for a given key.
Test a lock by a given key.
Releases a lock by a given key.
SharePoint Specific Item Locking
Locks a SharePoint list item.
Tests a lock on a SharePoint list item.
Releases a lock on a SharePoint list item.
SharePoint Permissions, SharePoint Principals
Gets the permissions of a SharePoint list item.
Adds permissions to a SharePoint list item.
Sets the permissions on a SharePoint list item.
Resets permission inheritance of a SharePoint list item.
Removes permissions from a SharePoint list item.
Stopy permission inheritance of a SharePoint list item.
Gets all profile informations from the SharePoint User Profile service application for a given user.
Simple resolve of a given string to SharePoint user objects.
Complex resolve of all sorts of principals, SharePoint and Active Directory.
SharePoint Specials
Sets the context of the current workflow execution: ClientContext, List, Item.
Removes the currently processes list item after processing.
Sets the SharePoint approval state.
Sets the moderation state of the list item after the item was processed.
Creates a link to be used in mails to execute workflow actions if the link was clicked.
Create some often used URLs, e.g. for the default list view or the edit form of an item.