kenaflow Cmdlets

Basic Cmdlets

  • Get-KFLastResult

    Returns the data that the last kenaflow cmdlet returned. If the last kenaflow cmdlet failed and -ThrowErrors:$false was set, this cmdlet returns the exception object.

  • Start-KFSharePointModule

    This can be used to start the SharePoint PnP PowerShell module with the correct SharePoint platform assemblies. This open source project delivers lots of helpful SharePoint related cmdlets. The module is embedded in kenaflow.

  • Write-KFLog

    Can be used to write messages to the kenaflow log.

  • Write-KFLogOutput

    Can be used to serialize objects to the kenaflow log.

Available only for SharePoint workflows:

Debugging and Runtime

Workflow Control

E-Mails, Templates, PDF

Sending e-mails.

Excel File Tools


Data Handling

Available for all workflow types:

  • Set-KFDBData

    Serializes data to the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.

  • Get-KFDBData

    Deserializes data from the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.

  • Remove-KFDBData

    Removes data to the kenaflow embedded SQLite database.

Available only for SharePoint workflow types:

  • Get-KFData

    Serializes data to the workflow data list.

  • Set-KFData

    Deserializes data from the workflow data list.

  • Remove-KFData

    Removes data from the workflow data list.

Available only for SharePoint list and state machine workflow types:

  • Set-KFItemData

    Serializes data in the context of the current list item to the workflow data list.

  • Get-KFItemData

    Deserializes data in the context of the current list item from the workflow data list.

  • Remove-KFItemData

    Removes data in the context of the current list item from the workflow data list.


SharePoint Specific Item Locking

SharePoint Permissions, SharePoint Principals

SharePoint Specials

  • Set-KFContext

    Sets the context of the current workflow execution: ClientContext, List, Item.

  • Remove-KFItem

    Removes the currently processes list item after processing.

  • Set-KFApproval

    Sets the SharePoint approval state.

  • Set-KFFinalModerationState

    Sets the moderation state of the list item after the item was processed.

  • Get-KFLink

    Creates a link to be used in mails to execute workflow actions if the link was clicked.

  • Get-KFUrl

    Create some often used URLs, e.g. for the default list view or the edit form of an item.