-Dt <system.datetime>
-DtUtc <system.datetime>
[-Format <format-string>]
>= kenaflow 1.0.0
DateTime or String.
This is a tool cmdlet intended to use for debugging and for production.
Together with Get-KFDateTime
and Set-KFDateTime
this cmdlet can be used to simulate time differences in a debugging context. First you set a time difference with Set-KFDateTime
that is relative to the current time. When you get the time using Get-KFDateTime
the difference is added or substracted from the current time. In combination with Get-KFInDebug
you can simulate a workflow run "later" or "earlier", e.g. if you check time stamps against the current time.
With -Dt <datetime>
or -DtUtc <datetime>
you can specify a custom DateTime. If non is specified DateTime.Now
is used. If both are specified the value of -Dt
is used and -DtUtc
is ignored.
When you specify -Real
the previously with Set-KFDateTime
set time difference is not used.
When you specify the parameter -UTC
the value of -Dt
(or -DtUtc
) is converted to Utc.
When you specify the parameter -DateOnly
the time part is removed.
When a time difference was set with Set-KFDateTime
(and not cleared with Clear-KFDateTime
) the time difference is added to the DateTime.
When -AsString
is not specified the calculated DateTime is now returned by the cmdlet.
When -AsString
is specified the calculated DateTime is now converted to a string.
If no -Format
is specified following formats are used:
- If
if specified:yyyy-MM-dd
is used OR - If hour, minute and seconds of the calculated DateTime are all "0" and
is not specified:yyyy-MM-dd
is used OR - If
is specified but not-IncludeSeconds
:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
is used OR - If
are specified:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
is used
Sounds complicated? In SharePoint the "DateOnly" field contains a complete DateTime but with hour == 0, minute == 0 and second == 0.
Therefore when using -AsString
without other parameters you get only the date part for a DateTime with hour == 0, minute == 0, second == 0. But with hour and minute in the returned string for DateTime values with hour != 0, minute != 0 and/or second != 0.
-Dt <system.datetime>
DateTime to be processed. Default is $null.
-DtUtc <system.datetime>
DateTime to be processed. Default is $null.
If set: continue processing with the real DateTime. Do not add the set time difference.
Handle the currently processed DateTime as UTC.
Continue only with the "date" part of the DateTime.
Return the DateTime as string.
Include Seconds in the returned string. (If
is used and-DateOnly
is not used.)
Include the time part of the DateTime in the returned string (if
is not used). It's used to force also hour == 0, minute == 0 and second == 0 to be included.
[-Format <format-string>]
A custom DateTime format. If specified the settings
are ignored.
This is a default parameter for all kenaflow cmdlets. If set to
(default!) the engine will pass exception within the cmdlet to the script for further handling.
Set-KFDateTime -ReferenceDateTime ([DateTime]"1900-01-01 12:00:00")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Get-KFDateTime -AsString -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
This will return
1900-01-01 12:00:05