Basic Configuration

After installing a kenaflow instance the global configuration has to be customized.

kenaflow offers many configuration options as engine level that influence the execution of the workflow. However, just a few are important for a quick start. Most of them you will never touch, but we think that is better to have the option to configure it in detail.

The basic settings in the global configuration we grouped into the section "AfterSetup".

adminMails contains a list of email addresses to which kenaflow sends messages when problems occur.

WorkflowRoot is the main folder in which the actual workflows are stored. The user account under which kenaflow is executed must have read and write access there.

For further instructions see the notes on the program switch --securing

encryptionPassphrase defines the password for the encryption of the workflow-data. The password must not be changed after the first operation.

activeDirectoryDomain is defining the "Full Qualified Domain Name" (FQDN) of the domain, on which kenaflow is executed.

SMTP Settings

Also of importance are the settings in the section "Mail". In this section, the SMTP server to be used is configured.