Automatic Execution

kenaflow 5 runs as Windows service.

With you can now register kenaflow as Windows service.

The default service name is a combinaton of "kenaflow" and the instance id is used as Windows service instance name, so the technical service name becomes kenaflow$<instance-id>.

The display name of the service has the format kenaflow-<instance-name>. The instance name is configured in the global configuration of kenaflow (program switch --editconfig).

The kenaflow Windows service supports the following operations:

Installation of kenaflow as Windows service

Please execute the following command from within the program folder to install kenaflow as windows service: --install --username "<service-account-name>" --password "<password>" 

Removing the kenaflow service

Please execute the following command from within the program folder to install kenaflow as windows service: --uninstall

The following is valid until kenaflow version 4.0.27

kenaflow is not a Windows service.

kenaflow does not start independently, e.g. not when Windows starts.

There are several ways to start kenaflow automatically. We prefer to use the "Windows Task Scheduler" that is part of the operating system.

kenaflow provides the program switch --installschedtask --account <service-account> --password <password> to create a start task for the kenaflow instance in the Task Scheduler. (Details here: --installschedtask.)

The specified account is used to execute kenaflow. The password is required to register the task to run in the background without manual logon.

By default this account will also be used to access SharePoint if a SharePoint related workflow has no own configuration for credentials!

Another option is to register kenaflow as a Windows service. Therefore, the kenaflow program folder contains the program nssm (see