#* A workflow will only work with the following version of
#* kenaflow. After you tested your workflow with a new
#* version of kenaflow you can change the following
#* setting.
Version = "4.0";
#* set it to $true to ENABLE the workflow. ($false DISABLES it)
Enabled = $false;
#* SubType
SubType = "SITE";
#* set it to a meaningful name
Name = "<<wfname>>";
#* what SharePoint do you use? Possible values: "sp2013" or
#* "sp2016" or "sp2019" or "spo"
Platform = "";
#* a unique (!) id (type 'System.Guid') for this workflow.
#* must be unique in YOUR environment. Use
#* "[guid]::newGuid().tostring('d')" to create a GUID in
#* Powershell.
Id = "<<wfid>>";
#* A list of one or more files that are checked during
#* deserialization. The workflow configuration is
#* reserialized if such an additional file was modified
#* since last serialization or is missing.
#AdditionalConfigFiles = @();
#* option. can be used to specify the folder where the
#* workflow scripts are in. the workflow directory (where
#* the _wfconfig.ps1 is in) is used if empty.
#ScriptFolder = "";
#* "Time between execution" => minimal time difference IN
#* SECONDS between two executions of the workflow Make sure
#* you set TBE > 0 to activate time-based execution. First
#* TBE is checked and afterwards CRON if set.
TBE = 60;
#* CRON-style pattern for execution scheduling. Please
#* consult our documentation to get more infos on that.
#Cron = "0 * * * *";
#* During a time based workflow run the same workflow
#* should start also on another kenaflow server (in case of
#* scaling). If your really sure that you want to run
#* multiple instances of the same workflow than you can set
#* this to $FALSE.
#Locking = $true;
#* This can be used to specify one or more custom
#* PowerShell libariy files that will be executed before
#* workflow script execution.
#CustomLibrary = @("");
#* Here you can specify a script for error handling. It's
#* processed in case of exceptions within the workflow
#* script. Please read
#* https://doc.kenaflow.com/basics/errorhandling
#ErrorHandlingScript = "errorHandling.ps1"
#* This script is executed after the workflow is started.
#* Before any connection, e.g. to SharePoint, is initiated.
#PreProcessingScript = "preProcessing.ps1"
#* This script is executed before the workflow is finished.
#PostProcessingScript = "postProcessing.ps1"
#* Can be used to mark this workflow as "in debug" for use
#* with cmdlet Get-KFInDebug -WorkflowDebugState
#Debug = $false;
#* This file will be serialized for performance reasons.
#* You can prevent serialization by setting this option.
#NoSerializing = $false;
#* This file will be serialized for performance reasons as
#* long as property 'NoSerializing' is not set to $true.
#* But you can specify a "maximum lifetime" here. if this
#* amount of time elapsed the workflow configuration gets
#* re-serialized. Possible values are TimeSpan (object or
#* string) or amount of seconds (int or string)
#MaxLifetimeOfSerialization = "0:5" #5 minutes
#UserProfileCacheLifetime = 60; #In seconds. If not specified the global setting from kenaflow.conf is used
#* Force workflow script to run again in case of "version
#* conflict" (parallel item modifications in SharePoint).
#* Default: $false
#RetryOnVersionConflict = $false;
#* If set to $false the workflow will continue with the
#* next item on workflow script errors. Default ist $true
#* ("stop workflow on script errors")
#StopWorkflowOnScriptError = $true;
#* The following two parameters can be used to specify credentials
#* however it is possible to store credentials in a
#* protected fashion using the parameters --setusername and
#* --setpassword on kenaflow.exe while running the program
#* inside a workflow folder that contains _wfconfig.ps1.
#* this will create a file _wfconfig-cred.ps1 that contains
#* encrypted credentials. the credentials can only
#* decrypted on the same machine. on other machines the
#* file is worthless.
#spUser = "";
#spPwd = '';
#* only if platform is 'spo' = SharePoint Online; **Useable
#* IF 'AzureAdApp' is not specified or set to `$true`.
#spoAppId = "";
#* only if platform is 'spo' = SharePoint Online; **Useable
#* IF 'AzureAdApp' is not specified or set to `$true`.
#spoAppSecret = '';
#AzureAdApp = $false
#* To use *App only* authentication with SharePoint Online
#* and Azure Active Directory (App Registration) you can
#* specify `spoCert`, `spoCertPassword` and `spoAppId` To
#* use that you must set `AzureAdApp=$true`!!
#* The name of a certificate file containing public and
#* private (!) key! (X509Certificate / PFX).
#* #The password for the cert file.
#* The app ID from Azure AD / App Registration. The tenant
#* ID must come first in the string, separated from the app
#* id with | (pipe character)
#spoAppId = '<tenant-id>|<app-only-credential-id>';
#* Starting with kenaflow 3.0 you can execute a SharePoint
#* workflow on multiple webs (and multiple lists if
#* workflow types *list* and *state machine*). The executed
#* workflow script is always the same. All other settings
#* are identical (names of lists such as error list or data
#* list). If you configure this property you cannot
#* configure `Web` and `AlternateWebUrls` in parallel. You
#* can also specify different login / credential
#* information for each connection. If not specified the
#* settings from the workflow is used.
Connection = @(
Web = "https://firstweb.sharepoint.farm";
AlternateWebUrls = @();
Web = "https://secondweb.sharepoint.farm";
AlternateWebUrls = @();
spoAppId = ''; #optional!
spoAppSecret = ''; #optional!
spUser = ''; #optional!
spPassword = ''; #optional!
AzureAdApp = $false; #optional!
spoCert = ''; #optional!
spoCertPassword = ''; #optional!
Environment = ''; #optional!
#* Full URL to the SharePoint web where the workflow list
#* is in
Web = "";
#* A list of alternate URLS, e.g. if a web application has
#* Alternate Access Mappings. Remove Events could be
#* received with such an alternate URL
#AlternateWebUrls = @();
#* a list for global config values
ConfigList = "Workflow Configuration";
#* a list that can be used to store data
DataList = "Workflow Data";
#* a list that can be used to record log information
HistoryList = "Workflow History";
#* Workflow errors will be stored in this SharePoint list
ErrorList = "Workflow Errors";
#* Can be uses to define default config entries that will
#* be deployed to the config list if the workflow config
#* list is created by kenaflow (kenaflow.exe)
ConfigListDefaults = @{
"kenaflow" = "cool"
#* List of mail addresses that will receive mails in case
#* of workflow internal errors.
AlertAddresses = @();
#* can be used to overwrite the global settings.
#AlertFloodProtection = 3600;
#* Address of the sender of mails that the workflow sends.
#* If empty it will be taken from the kenaflow global
#* config
#MailFrom = "";
#* Address to which uses can reply to. If empty it will be
#* taken from the kenaflow global config
#MailReply = "";
#* This script contains all to workflow actions
#Script = "script.ps1";
#* After this amount of time elasped the workflow execution
#* will be stopped; -1 = use default
#MaxExecutionTime = -1;
#* Specified whether the Workflow needs Remote Event
#* Receiver to execute the workflow scripts immediately
#* after a change in SharePoint.
RER = $false;
#* Specifies how long a Remote Event is valid before it is
#* skipped forever (if not processed). Default:
#* configuration in global config. There is default: 120s.
#MaximumRerLifetime = 120;
#* Specifies how long a a remote event is postponed in case
#* of errors during processing. Default: configuration in
#* global config. There is default: 5s.
#PostponeFailedRer = 5;
#* Some item permission related Cmdlets in workflows can
#* simply set "CRUD" +M (Manage) +A (Approve) permissions
#* by specifying some characters from set [C, R, U, D, M,
#* A]. They refer to permission set that the Site
#* Collection administrator has to create. They must also
#* be named here
#PermissionSetCreate="kenaflow Create";
#PermissionSetRead="kenaflow Read";
#PermissionSetUpdate="kenaflow Update";
#PermissionSetDelete="kenaflow Delete";
#PermissionSetManage="kenaflow Manage";
#PermissionSetApprove="kenaflow Approve";
#* +++++++++++++++++++
#* runtime settings
#* (only) kenaflow Cmdlets will throw Exceptions on failure
#* ($true) or hide them ($false). In the last case the
#* exception can be queried with Get-KFLastResult. Default
#* is $true
#ThrowErrorsPreference = $true;
#* This is the default for the common PowerShell variable
#* $ErrorActionPreference that controls the default
#* PowerShell error handling. Default is "Stop". This can
#* be overwritten by Invoke-Kenaflow -ErrorActionPreference
#* <value> or in script using $ErrorActionPreference =
#* <value>
#ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
#* +++++++++++++++++++
#* debug settings
#* if not specified here the default setting from kenaflow
#* will be used.
#writeMailsToDiskDuringDebug = $true;
#* if not specified here the default setting from kenaflow
#* will be used.
#alwaysWriteMailsToDiskInsteadSending = $false;
#* can be used to redirect all mails to the specified account(s)
#redirectAllMails = @();
#* this parameter can be used to force client processes
#* (--exec) to send PowerShell output serialzied to the
#* main proces (--run) Default: $false
#SendOutputToMainProcess = $false;
#* this will dump RER file contents to the Log.
#DumpRerEventDataToLog = $false
#* It is possible to save processed remote event files.
#* Normally they are deleted. Saving can be enabled in the
#* global configuration but must be also enabled for each
#* workflow itself by setting this property to $TRUE.
#* Default: $FALSE
#SaveRerEventsAfterProcessing = $false
if(!$kenaflow){import-module "<<directory>>\kenaflow.runtime.dll";Test-KFConfig;exit}