
kenaflow logs information about the execution and data processing.

Basically there are two log implementations available. This means: How log is written to a "sink".

The first mechanism is a kenaflow internal logger.

The second is Serilog.

Both can be used in parallel.

Log folder

Each kenaflow instance has a logDir setting in the global configuration (section "Logging".

This specifies the directory in which log files are stored.

By default the log folder is C:\ProgramData\kenaflow\<instance_id>\log. But this can be changed by using several global config settings, especially

  <section name="basic">
    <entry key="ProgramDataFolder" type="System.String" default=""></entry>
  <section name="logging">
    <entry key="logDir" type="System.String" default=".\log"></entry>

The kenaflow internal logger

There are mainly three global settings for the kenaflow internal logger:

<section name="logging">
    <entry key="useKenaflowLoggerFileText" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>
    <entry key="useKenaflowLoggerFileJson" type="System.Boolean" default="false"></entry>
    <entry key="useKenaflowLoggerConsole" type="System.Boolean" default="true"></entry>

By setting all settings to false the kenaflow internal logger is disabled completely.

The text based log files (enabled with useKenaflowLoggerFileText) write the log files of kenaflow with the log file format of SharePoint. The tool "ULSViewer" from Microsoft can be used to analyse the logs.

The ULSViewer can be downloaded here:


The menu for the "Live Logs" opens with [Strg]+[U]:

Enter the log directory here. By default its in C:\ProgramData\kenaflow\<instance_id>\log.


Timestamp <TAB> character Process <TAB> character TID <TAB> character Area <TAB> character Category <TAB> character EventID <TAB> character Level <TAB> character Message <TAB> character Correlation


Date and time of the log event.

The ULSViewer has a small bug. On systems with a cultur other then "en-US" and/or a different time format it shows first the month before the day in the time stamp. That's valid for "en-US" but not for german dates. E.g. it shows "12.31.2018" instead of "31.12.2018".


It's always kenaflow.exe followed by the Windows process ID.


kenaflow makes heavy use of theads. Each created thread gets an ID that is unique inside the current kenaflow process.


Always "kenaflow".


Thats the kenaflow internal log message severity: Debug, Verbose, Normal, Warning, Error, Critical. It's slightly different to the SharePoint log levels (see section "Levels" below).


The EventID indicates the type of the kenaflow (sub) process that has created the log message.

EventID (Sub) Process
kflw kenaflow process - just started.
exe3 Workflow Runner process for SharePoint 2013
exe6 Workflow Runner process for SharePoint 2016
exe9 Workflow Runner process for SharePoint 2019
exeo Workflow Runner process for SharePoint Online
exep Workflow Runner process for PowerShell
rer3 Remote Event Runner process for SharePoint 2013
rer6 Remote Event Runner process for SharePoint 2016
rer9 Remote Event Runner process for SharePoint 2019
rero Remote Event Runner process for SharePoint Online
rerp Remote Event Runner process for PowerShell
rerg Global Remote Event Receiver
asmf Add State Field
bacl Backup Config List
cuea Cleanup ALL Error Lists
cue3 Cleanup Error List for SharePoint 2013
cue6 Cleanup Error List for SharePoint 2016
cue9 Cleanup Error List for SharePoint 2019
cueo Cleanup Error List for SharePoint Online
cclm Create Config List
cdlm Create Data List
celm Create Error List
chlm Create History List
cslm Create State List
cpsm Create Permission Sets
shcl Show/Hide Config List
shdl Show/Hide Data List
shel Show/Hide Error List
shhl Show/Hide History List
shsl Show/Hide State List
cpwf Copy Workflow
dump Dump remote event
crpc Create Performace Counters
main "Main" runner

(to be continued)


Possible Values:

  • Critical
  • Unexpected
  • High
  • Medium
  • VerboseEx


If a message is longer than xxx chacters the line is seperated into two or more lines. In this case message is split and ... is added at the end of a line (that has following lines) and also ... is added to the next line.


This contains an empty GUID if the engine has no certain execution context.

As soon as log messages are related to a certain workflow this information contains the unique workflow id.


Timestamp               	Process                                 	TID   	Area                          	Category                      	EventID	Level     	Message 	Correlation
01/22/2019 14:52:01.623 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:01.623 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	|| KENAflow 2.0.25                       :->	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:01.623 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	edition     : Standard	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	licensed for: development // kenaro	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	expires     : 2019-12-31	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	license type: :Subscription	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	arguments: --exec --workflow C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Workflow folder  : C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\_workflowsDemo	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.133 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Program folder   : C:\Source\wfengine\bin1\Debug	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Data root folder : C:\ProgramData\kenaflow\instance_74dcd84e-8bb3-44ba-b2b4-402d2e63b667	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	RER queue folder : C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\queue	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Skip queue folder: C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\skip	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Lock folder      : C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\lock	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Log folder       : C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\log	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Debug mail folder: C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\mails	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	kflw	High       	Current user: C61\user1	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	reading workflow config file	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.237 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	debug                         	kflw	VerboseEx  	Deserialize C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf\_wfdata\_wfconfig.74dcd84e-8bb3-44ba-b2b4-402d2e63b667.2.0.25.bin	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	debug                         	kflw	VerboseEx  	deserialized wfconfig used:	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	Workflow ID: 23095FC3-A8EA-4EF1-AFE5-979B3A91E128	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	Platform: sp2016	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	Folder: C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	File: C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\LOOP-INTERRUPT-TEST\TEST-WF\_WFCONFIG.PS1	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	Web: https://intranet16.sharepoint.farm/sites/kenaflow	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	kflw	Medium     	List: TestList	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	rqbm	Medium     	IPC GlobalStop event created!	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.743 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	rqbm	High       	initialize mode 'ExecuteWorkflow'	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	reading workflow config file: C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf\_wfconfig.ps1	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Deserialize C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf\_wfdata\_wfconfig.74dcd84e-8bb3-44ba-b2b4-402d2e63b667.2.0.25.bin	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	deserialized wfconfig used:	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Workflow ID: 23095FC3-A8EA-4EF1-AFE5-979B3A91E128	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Platform: sp2016	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Folder: C:\Source\wfengine\_workflows\loop-interrupt-test\test-wf	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	File: C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\LOOP-INTERRUPT-TEST\TEST-WF\_WFCONFIG.PS1	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Web: https://intranet16.sharepoint.farm/sites/kenaflow	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	List: TestList	d5eb636a-f174-4b66-bb53-360a77d0fe85
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	workflow execution	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	running in slot:	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:03.858 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0012	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	current client is configured NOT to send log messages to client	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:04.518 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Workflow lock file : C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\lock\23095FC3-A8EA-4EF1-AFE5-979B3A91E128.lock	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:04.518 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	workflow locked	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:05.049 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0018	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Last Run: 2019-01-22T13:34:31Z	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:05.049 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	connecting to SharePoint...	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:05.049 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Checking RER handler settings	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:08.207 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:08.207 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	workflow config 'C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\_WORKFLOWSDEMO\SPO_LEVEL1\_WFCONFIG.PS1' ADDING	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:08.207 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	workflow config 'C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\_WORKFLOWSDEMO\SP2013_LEVEL1\_WFCONFIG.PS1' ADDING	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:08.207 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	workflow config 'C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\_WORKFLOWSDEMO\SP2013_LEVEL2\_WFCONFIG.PS1' ADDING	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:08.207 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	workflow config 'C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\_WORKFLOWSDEMO\SP2016_LEVEL1\_WFCONFIG.PS1' ADDING	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:13.156 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:18.238 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:22.070 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0014	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	WebHook ping checker #0 failed 6 times and changed to FAILURE state!	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:23.178 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:28.232 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:28.936 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001A	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Check for RER url: https://kenaflow11.sharepoint.farm/rer/23095FC3-A8EA-4EF1-AFE5-979B3A91E128/	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:28.936 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	creating PowerShell session	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:29.251 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Base.SPOnlineConnection	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.072 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	Web Id: 14a9e54e-e43c-4e47-9fe3-9d4be1283e42	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.072 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	connection to workflow error list	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.374 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	current user: i:0#.w|sharepoint\kenaflow (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserIdInfo)	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.374 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	connected	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.374 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Loading config values...	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.475 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Last action timestamp not found	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.475 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Set default config variables	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.777 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0016	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	List Id: 9472ad43-c8f0-4d29-8949-c2776f628025	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.777 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001C	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Preparing query...	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.878 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001C	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	<View><Query><Where></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="ID" /></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>1000</RowLimit></View>	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.878 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001C	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	executing query...	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:30.979 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	got 1 item(s)	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.080 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	current item: #1 // 32914150-08eb-4018-b91d-9326a163252c	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.080 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Current 'editor': ingo	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.080 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Current 'last modified': 2019-01-22T13:41:24Z	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.080 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Item lock file: C:\Source\wfengine\_wfexecdata\lock\14a9e54ee43c4e479fe39d4be1283e42\9472ad43c8f04d298949c2776f628025\3291415008eb4018b91d9326a163252c.lock	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.382 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	item locked	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'SetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'SetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0022	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Test-List-WF: 4999s of 5000s	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:31.586 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:33.199 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:33.199 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	01/22/2019 14:52:34.609 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.609 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0026	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Test-List-WF: 4996s of 5000s	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:34.710 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.738 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.738 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'GetKFScriptRunTimeout'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x002A	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Test-List-WF: 4993s of 5000s	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:37.839 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'Write_KFLog'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:38.242 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:38.242 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	logfileonly                   	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow folder 'C:\SOURCE\WFENGINE\_WORKFLOWS\_WORKFLOWSDEMO\SP2016_LEVEL1' hash: |_initialize.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|_install.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|_wfconfig.ps12018-08-16T20:31:11Z|preQueryProcessing.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_(empty).ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_0.0.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_1.0.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_1.1.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_2.0.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_2.1.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_3.0.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z|S_4.0.ps12018-07-13T14:44:58Z	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:40.867 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	BEGIN CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:40.867 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0xFFFF	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	END CMDLET 'ConvertToKFISODateTime'	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:41.573 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:52:59.238 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:01.394 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x000A	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	GC collect	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:01.394 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	item execution finished. housekeeping.	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:01.519 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 100 seconds before retrying (1 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:01.721 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 120 seconds before retrying (2 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:01.921 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 144 seconds before retrying (3 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:02.233 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 172,8 seconds before retrying (4 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:02.434 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 207,36 seconds before retrying (5 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:02.840 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 248,832 seconds before retrying (6 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:03.142 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 298,5984 seconds before retrying (7 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:03.621 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 358,31808 seconds before retrying (8 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:04.024 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 429,981696 seconds before retrying (9 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:04.225 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:04.630 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 515,9780352 seconds before retrying (10 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:05.134 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 619,17364224 seconds before retrying (11 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:05.837 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 743,008370688 seconds before retrying (12 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:06.690 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 891,6100448256 seconds before retrying (13 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:07.697 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1069,93205379072 seconds before retrying (14 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:08.805 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1283,91846454886 seconds before retrying (15 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:09.208 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:10.276 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1540,70215745864 seconds before retrying (16 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:11.898 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1848,84258895036 seconds before retrying (17 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:13.854 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 2218,61110674044 seconds before retrying (18 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:14.156 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:16.086 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 2662,33332808852 seconds before retrying (19 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:18.860 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 3194,79999370623 seconds before retrying (20 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:19.167 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:22.136 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	error                         	exe6	Critical   	Maximum retry attempts 20, have been attempted.	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:24.758 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:24.758 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	normal                        	exe6	High       	Exception handling started	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:27.498 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	verbose                       	exe6	Medium     	item lock released	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:27.498 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	Item processing time: 56345ms	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:27.749 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 100 seconds before retrying (1 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:27.958 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 120 seconds before retrying (2 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:28.160 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 144 seconds before retrying (3 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:28.361 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 172,8 seconds before retrying (4 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:28.664 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 207,36 seconds before retrying (5 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:28.966 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 248,832 seconds before retrying (6 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:29.386 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 298,5984 seconds before retrying (7 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:29.798 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 358,31808 seconds before retrying (8 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:30.200 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 429,981696 seconds before retrying (9 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:30.830 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 515,9780352 seconds before retrying (10 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:31.434 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:31.736 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 619,17364224 seconds before retrying (11 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:32.441 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 743,008370688 seconds before retrying (12 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:33.247 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 891,6100448256 seconds before retrying (13 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:34.265 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1069,93205379072 seconds before retrying (14 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:35.473 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1283,91846454886 seconds before retrying (15 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:36.379 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:36.782 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1540,70215745864 seconds before retrying (16 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:38.552 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 1848,84258895036 seconds before retrying (17 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:40.489 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x001D	kenaflow                      	warning                       	exe6	Unexpected 	CSOM request failed. Sleeping for 2218,61110674044 seconds before retrying (18 of 20).	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128
01/22/2019 14:53:41.395 	kenaflow.exe (22544)                    	0x0010	kenaflow                      	debug                         	exe6	VerboseEx  	workflow root folder scan	23095fc3-a8ea-4ef1-afe5-979b3a91e128

JSON file format of kenaflow logger

The kenaflow internal logger can additionally create JSON files containing the log information.

Each log file contains a JSON object in each line followed by a line break.

Serilog logger

You can enable Serilog based logging.

 <section name="logging">
    <entry key="useSerilog" type="System.Boolean" default="false"></entry>
    <entry key="useSerilogLoki" type="System.Boolean" default="False" comment="if TRUE kenaflow sends logs to Grafana Loki"></entry>
    <entry key="useSerilogJsonfileLogger" type="System.Boolean" default="False"></entry>
    <entry key="useSerilogTextfileLogger" type="System.Boolean" default="False"></entry>
    <entry key="useSerilogConsoleLogger" type="System.Boolean" default="False"></entry>
    <entry key="serilogBaseTemplateConsole" type="System.String" default="{Message}{NewLine}{Exception}"></entry>
    <entry key="serilogBaseTemplateFile" type="System.String" default="{Message}{NewLine}{Exception}"></entry>
    <entry key="serilogTemplate" type="System.String" default="[{LogLevel:l}] {TS:HH:mm:ss} {Process} {Event:l} {ThreadId:l} {Correlation} {Text:l}"></entry>
    <entry key="serilogTemplateForAdditionalProperties" type="System.String" default=" {OM} {@P}"></entry>
    <entry key="serilogLokiAddress" type="System.String" default="http://localhost:3100" comment=""></entry>