Pre-Defined Variables
Starting with kenaflow 4.0.22 the engine injects several pre-defined variables into the PowerShell script during execution.
The content of the variables depends on the current workflow, execution state, etc.
Depending on the script context there are different variables available.
All pre-defined variables start with prefix KF
Workflow Configurtation Parsing
The workflow configuration file _wfconfig.ps1
is a PowerShell script that returns a single Hashtable object containing the workflow configuration. This file is parsed using PowerShell. Therefore the code of _wfconfig.ps1
gets executed.
The following variables are injected:
=> Object of typeSystem.IO.FileInfo
Script Block
When debugging a workflow script the cmdlet Invoke-Kenaflow
is used to initialize the runtime environment.
The cmdlet accepts a script block with parameter -PreWorkflowExecurion
. This script block is executed before the workflow script is executed.
Inside the scriptblock the following variables are injected:
For different workflow types there are additional variables available.
Additional Variables in EMail-IMAP Workflows
Additional Variables in EMail-POP3 Workflows
Additional Variables in EMail-Exchange Workflows
Additional Variables in SharePoint Enabled EMail Workflows
Additional in Storage Workflows
Additional Variables in in (all) SharePoint Workflows
Additional in SharePoint State Machine Workflows
=> An object of typeDictionary<string,int>
that contains state names and ids.
Additional Variables in PowerShell Workflows and Custom Workflows
currently none
In a workflow an "Error Handling Script" can be specified in _wfconfig.ps1
The scripts is called with some information about the error (Exception
) and the following pre-defined variables:
The following variables are optionally injected, depending on the context.
PreProcessing Script and PostProcessing Script
Every workflow can have a "PreProcessing" script and/or a "PostProcessing" script.
The following variables are injected during runtime:
(All) SharePoint Workflows
Additional in SharePoint List Workflows and State Machine Workflows
Additional Variables in SharePoint State Machine Workflows
Pre Query Script of SharePoint List and State Machine Workflows
SharePoint List workflows and SharePoint State Machine workflows can have a script "PreQuery" that is spcified in _wfconfig.ps1
and is executed just before the CAML query is send to SharePoint to retrieve the items.
The following variables are injected into the Pre Query Script:
Custom Workflow
Custom workflows can be defined using kenaflow Plugins.
The following variables are injected into the script execution:
=> A reference to the kenaflow Plugin used for this workflow$KFConnection
=> Depending on the kenaflow Plugin$KFEventData
EMail Workflow
The following variables are available during execution:
Additional Variables in SharePoint Enabled EMail Workflows