

kenaflow.exe --removecomments [--workflow <workflow-folder>]


When you create a new workflow using kenaflow.exe --new --wftype <type> than you get a workflow with a _wfconfig.ps1 with lots of comments and descriptions of properties.


    #* A workflow will only work with the following version of 
    #*   kenaflow. After you tested your workflow with a new 
    #*   version of kenaflow you can change the following setting. 
    Version = "4.0";

    #* set it to $false to ENABLE the workflow. ($true DISABLES it)
    Enabled = $false; 
    #* Type = SHAREPOINT, EMAIL, PowerShell
    Type = "POWERSHELL";
    #* set it to a meaningful name
    Name = "<<wfname>>"; 
    #* a unique (!) id (type 'System.Guid') for this workflow. 
    #*   must be unique in YOUR environment.  Use 
    #*   "[guid]::newGuid().tostring('d')" to create a GUID in 
    #*   Powershell.   
    Id = "<<wfid>>"; 
#... more properties

When execution the command kenaflow.exe --removecomments from within the workflow folder or with additional switch --workflow <folder> where <folder> is the path to the workflow folder or the workflows _wfconfig.ps1 than all lines starting with #* are removed. The result _wfconfig.ps1 looks like this:

    Version = "4.0";

    Ignore = $true; 
    Type = "POWERSHELL";
    Name = "<<wfname>>"; 
    Id = "<<wfid>>"; 
#... more properties